22 Results



If you knew it was your last day on Earth, what would you choose for breakfast? Would you go sweet or savoury? Full powered or light? Bread or ceral? Fruit or full-sugar? I’m one of those people who can’t stand porridge, never eats cereal and there’s just no way you’d find me languishing in a chia pudidng… so aside from the world’s best almond croissant, I’d be looking for something savoury and extremely flavourful for one of my last meals. This recipe is my go to brunch pretty much any time i mange to get to the ripe avocados in time or when we want something a little fancy but don’t want to go out to a restaurant. Despite how tasty it is, it’s actually fairly healthy so you don’t even have to feel the guilts afterwards the way you do after fried chicken waffles or bacon, maple ice cream pancakes!

Pesto-filled gnocchi is a delicious and unique twist on traditional gnocchi. The addition of pesto provides a burst of flavor and adds a vibrant green color for an extra piece of interest to it’s overall presentation. You’re already looking forward to a delicious pillowy bowful of potato-pasta and then suddenly “bam” “surprise”, you get a sumptuous mouthful of filling, it’s one sure-fire way to make an already tasty thing even tastier.

I’m using a traditional gnocchi recipe here, but there are so many versions of gnocchi floating about these days, and any one of them should give the same exceptional effect. Plus, adding different flavours to the mix should only increase the complexity and enjoyment of the overall dish as a whole.