As much as I’d love to be able to eat French fries or properly delicious deep-fried roasties every day, I am well aware that neither my figure nor my arteries would sustain such an insult on an ongoing basis… but something you can have almost daily with little ill consequence is a good helping of the humble sweet potato. Despite its namesake, it is far lower on the GI scale than its white-fleshed friend – and it’s packed full of beta-carotene which is the same thing that makes carrots good for your eyes. Aside from these bonus nutritional benefits, it also tastes bloody good and fills the stomach in the same kind of satiating and comforting way as an OG potato feast.

I make these all the time, literally, it’s on the menu anytime it’s simple protein and veg for dinner. They also make a great snack for when you’re craving something unhealthy but don’t want to tip the calorie bank over.

Yes this part is just for the SEO… here’s some fun facts about sweet potatoes to keep you entertained…

  1. Not Just Sweet: Despite the name, sweet potatoes are not always sweet. The flavor can range from sweet to savory, depending on the variety and the cooking technique.
  2. Rich in Nutrients: Sweet potatoes are a nutritional powerhouse. They are high in fiber, vitamins (especially A and C), and minerals such as potassium. The orange-fleshed varieties are particularly rich in beta-carotene.
  3. Variety Galore: There are over 400 different varieties of sweet potatoes, and they come in various colors, including orange, purple, and white. Each variety has its own unique flavor and texture.
  4. Not Related to Regular Potatoes: Despite the similar name, sweet potatoes are not botanically related to regular potatoes. Sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory family, while white potatoes are actually part of the tomato family.
  5. Worldwide Staple: Sweet potatoes are a global food staple and are cultivated in many countries. China is the largest producer, followed by countries like Indonesia, Nigeria, and Uganda.
  6. Versatile in Cooking: Unlike most vegetables, sweet potatoes are also a popular ingredient in both sweet as well as savory dishes.
  7. Good for Your Eyes and your wrinkles: The high beta-carotene content in sweet potatoes is not only good for your eyesight its also considered an anti-oxident is therefore good for your health and really good for your skin.
  8. Grows Easily: Sweet potatoes are probably the easist vegetable to grow. You can even sprout them straight from the product you buy from the supermarket – just chuck it in the soil and 6 months later you’ll have a tasty harvest and a beautiful ivy like ground cover to enjoy.
  9. You can eat the whole plant: Yep, the leaves are also edible and can be used in salads or as a cooked green. (I prefer them cooked though as they are a little tough for our baby spinach / ice burg lettuce adapted palates)
  10. Sustainable Crop: Sweet potatoes are considered a sustainable crop because they are hardy, require relatively little water compared to other crops, and can be grown in a variety of soils.

“I could easily eat these every day” 

Hugo Beuzeboc

I think I’ve even unintentionally convinved myself to start growing them again here lads, Either way, I won’t be reducing my consumption anytime soon.

Here’s a recipe that features this side for you to get going with : Blackened salmon with burnt lemon butter

cajun sweet potato fries 1
cajun sweet potato fries 2
cajun sweet potato wedges 3

Ensuring you get a crunchy wedge

No body likes a soggy wedge… so here’s a few things to do to make sure you get great results each time.

  1. Even slicing: Ensure uniformity in the thickness of your sweet potato chunks. This helps in even cooking, so you don’t end up with some undercooked while others are overdone. Aim for slices that are approximately 2cm thick.
  2. Make it hot hot hot: Don’t forget to preheat your oven to a high temperature, around (200-220°C). The high heat helps to achieve that crispy exterior while keeping the inside soft. It’s the key to getting that perfect fry texture.
  3. Coat with a Thin Layer of Oil: Lightly coat the sweet potato fries with a thin layer of oil. Use an oil with a high smoke point, such as canola or grapeseed oil. This helps in achieving a crispy texture and prevents the fries from sticking to the baking sheet. Also make sure to toss them before placing them on the tray so they are all evenly covered.
  4. Spacing Matters: Don’t overcrowd the baking sheet. Give them there wedges some room to breathe. Overcrowding will lead to soggy wedges. Spread them out in a single layer, with a little space between each piece. It seems finicky but it’s 100% worth the effort…
  5. Use baking paper: Save yourself the washing up but using sheets of baking paper
  6. Flip and Rotate: About halfway through the cooking time, flip the sweet potato fries to ensure they cook evenly on both sides. If you notice one side browning faster than the other, you can also rotate the baking sheet. Keep a close eye on them towards the end of the cooking time to prevent burning.

Cajun sweet potato wedges

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 4
Keep it healthy and spicy with this taste sensation of a side. Sure to become a family favourite.


  • 2 Baking trays


  • 2 small sweet potatoes
  • 1 tsp salt ((or to taste))
  • 1 tbsp garlic flakes
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tbsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp mixed herbs
  • 2 tbsp olive oil


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200°C (fan forced otherwise 220°C)
  • Cut your wedges into chunks that are about 2cm thick (try to get them as uniform as possible)
  • Add spices and oil to a bowl with the sweet potato wedges and make sure to coat them all well
  • Place the wedges on a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray with plenty of space around each wedge – use multiple baking trays if you need to.
  • Roast in the oven for around 25 min (turning them over after about 12 min) or until they are cooked through and crunchy on the outside but not burnt.
Course: dinner, lunch, Snack
Cuisine: cajun
Keyword: healthy chips, healthy fries, sweet potato chips, sweet potato fries, sweet potato wedges

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While I have you here, may I suggest you try these next:

Until next time. Keep following, liking, sharing, commenting and cooking, and may your every spoonful be tastier than the last!

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